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Prenatal yoga

11, rue de Machault, L-2111 - Yogaloft
Monday 9.45-11.00

239, Val des Bons Malades
Tuesday 12.25-13.40

Pregnancy is a time of overwhelming change in a woman. On a physical level, the hormonal changes create a yoga practice that is profoundly different than at any other time of life. On an emotional level, the mother-child bond is created and a mother is born. Prenatal yoga facilitates a healthy mental, physical and emotional transition from woman to mother, aids in the bonding process and prepares for the birth.

The class explores fitness and strengthening in a safe way, focusing mainly on the muscles needed for childbirth. We also do breathing exercises and a guided relaxation. Along the way we share tips and tricks to help you throughout the pregnancy and also as a new mother after the birth. Classes are intended for women 14-42 weeks pregnant. The cost of ten sessions is 180 € or 20 € drop-in. Please wear comfortable clothing; everything else you need is provided. You are very welcome to try out a class before you commit to a ten-session course, but please understand no refunds can be given without a doctor´s note. If you would like to join the class, please answer the following questions via email. All replies are kept strictly confidential.